jeudi 3 mars 2011

Amazonie: Levée de bouclier à Brasilia contre le barrage hydroélectrique Belo Monte

Photo: Chef Raoni e la tribu Caiapo d'Amazonie fume la pipe
en manifestant contre le barrage Belo Monte à Brasilia, le 8 février 2011
Crédit: T-REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino

L'hydroélectricité n'est pas si verte qu'il n'y paraît!
Brazil’s growing need for energy is leading to a surge in the building of massive hydroelectric dams in the Amazon rainforest, threatening both the forest’s carbon storing ability and the people who live there, Amazon leaders said this week in London. Hydroelectric dams are often thought to be an environmentally conscious form of energy production. But their green credentials are increasingly in question, both because of the displacement and forest loss they can cause, and because water trapped behind dams can emit methane and other greenhouse gases.

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